Saturday, April 12, 8:00 p.m.
Susan Gardner, David Perry and Richard Roundy
@ Ruthless Grip
We hope you can join us on Saturday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Washington Printmakers Gallery (1732 Connecticut Ave. NW, second floor, several blocks north of the Dupont Circle Q Street Metro exit) for the next reading in the Ruthless Grip Poetry Series, featuring Susan Gardner Dillon, Richard Roundy, and David Perry.

Susan Gardner Dillon lives and writes in D.C. Her forthcoming chapbook, O Sea O Sea, is due to appear from Tangent Press in the fall of 2003. Her poems have appeared in So to Speak: A Feminist Journal of Language and Art, Pom2, The Tangent, and yefief among other journals. With Kaia Sand, she is presently co-editor of the up and coming poetics press, Subrosa.

Richard Roundy, a graduate of the esteemed and fabled poetics program at suny buffalo, is a teacher who lives in brooklyn ny. His work has been published in numerous literary magazines including Shiny, Insurance, Sal Mimeo, Object, Open24hrs, The Washington Review, Mirage, Situation. His chapbook The Other Kind Of Vertigo is due out soon from Barretta Press.

David Perry lives in Brooklyn, having moved from the Midwest--several points in Missouri and Iowa--to New York four years ago. Adventures in Poetry published his first book, Range Finder, in October of 2001. A chapbook, Knowledge Follows, is due out any day now from Insurance Books. Recent and forthcoming work may be found in Monkey Puzzle, The Baffler and The Poker. David has taught composition and literature at St. John's University and the University of Iowa, where he earned an MFA in Comparative Literature; he has also worked in publishing, landscaping, temping and dot-comming. He currently works as a freelance multimedia producer and writes.

We hope to see you there and for all festivities afterwards!
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