Saturday, March 9, 8:00 p.m.
Chris Nealon and Kaia Sand
@ Ruthless Grip
We hope you can join us on Saturday, March 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Washiington Printmakers Gallery (1732 Connecticut Ave., second floor, several blocks north of the Dupont Circle Q Street Metro exit) for the next reading in the Ruthless Grip Poetry series. This month's readers will be KAIA SAND and CHRIS NEALON.

Kaia Sand co-curates the In Your Ear poetry series in Washington DC, and she helped found and and now co-edits the TANGENT, a zine of politics and the arts. With Mark Wallace she co-published a chapbook featuring both their work, the poems THE MONSTROUS FAILURE OF CONTEMPLATION and AQUIFER, as part of a self-publish or perish initiative. She collaborated with Susan Gardner Dillon on the hypertext poem NEVER WOMAN, published on ENGLISH MATTERS <>. Her poems also recently appeared in 100 Days (Barque Press), So to Speak, Washington Review, 108 and Ixnay; this spring poems will be published in Kenning and Puerto del Sol. Kaia teaches English at St. Mary's College in Southern Maryland.

Chris Nealon grew up in Binghamton, NY, went to Cornell for a PhD in English, and is now an associate professor in English at UC Berkeley, living in Washington this year. In 2001 he published two books: one, a short chapbook of poems, _Ecstasy Shield_, from Black Square Editions; the other, a book of essays, _Foundlings: Lesbian and Gay Historical Emotion before Stonewall_ (Duke Univ Press). Other poems are forthcoming in Five Fingers Review.