Saturday, December 8, 8:00 p.m.
Marcella Durand and Drew Gardner
@ Ruthless Grip
We hope you can join us on Saturday, December 9 at 7:30 p.m. for the Ruthless Grip Poetry Series at Washington Printmakers Gallery (1732 Connecticut Ave., second floor, several blocks north of the Dupont Circle Q Street Metro exit). This month's readers will

MARCELLA DURAND'S first full-length poetry collection, Western Capital Rhapsodies, has just been published by Faux Press. She's also the author of two chapbooks, City of Ports and Lapsus Linguae, both from Situations Press, and has a new chapbook forthcoming this winter, The Geometrics, from BeautifulSwimmer Press. She is currently co-editing, with Olivier Brossard and
Kristin Prevallet, an anthology of contemporary French poetry from May 1968 to the present, to be published by Talisman House in 2003. She's also the poetry editor of Erato press, which just published an anthology of art and poetry inspired by Italo
Calvino's book, Invisible Cities.

--Lives in New York City.
--Recently collaborated with Alan Davies at Nada
--Gordan’s Flying Saucer Series, arranging and performing music for the piece _Pain_.
--Edits Snare magazine.
--Has recent work in The Hat and Hambone.
--Has published recent books including Water Table (2001, Situations) and Student Studies (2001, Detour).
--Seems to prefer the bullet format.

We hope to see you there and for all festivities afterwards!