Yes, it's difficult to believe that we're returning this soon, but we're diehards. You know that by now, right?
We hope you can join us on Saturday, January 13 at 7:30 p.m. at Washington Printmakers Gallery (1732 Connecticut Ave. second floor, between R and S Streets and several blocks north of the Dupont Circle Q Street Metro Exit) for the first Ruthless Grip Poetry reading of the spring season, featuring P. INMAN and THOMAS LOWE TAYLOR. Beware--this is not a reading for the
linguistically faint-hearted!
Some of you out there may have heard about language poetry, but no poet is more absolutely a language poet than P. INMAN, who over the course of many books has constructed one of the most uncompromisingly avant garde aesthetics in all of contemporary writing. His most recent book is AMOUNTS. TO. from Potes and Poets. He is also the author of AT. LEAST., VEL, and CRISS
CROSS, among other books. His work has appeared in several anthologies, including the LANGUAGE POETRIES anthology published by New Directions.
The term "outsider artist" gets thrown around a lot, but few writers have stood outside the American literary mainstream with as much resoluteness as THOMAS LOWE TAYLOR. His most recent book, WHITE LIGHT, published in 2000 by Anabasis Press, a combination novel, autobiography, and prose poem, presents an
anti-romantic romance about American life outside the mainstream that often makes Beat Generation writers seem like so many media poster boys. He is also the author of RELIMN and PISCES, BY EAGLE.
We hope to see you there and for all festivities afterwards.