Robert Fitterman is the author of 10 books of poetry, including 4 installments of his ongoing poem Metropolis: Metropolis 1-15 (Sun & Moon Press, 2000), Metropolis 16-29 (Coach House Books, 2002), and Metropolis XXX: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Edge Books, 2004) and, forthcoming, Sprawl: Metropolis 30A (Make Now Books). Other recent titles include: Rob the Plagiarist (Roof Books) and Notes On Conceptualisms co-authored with Vanessa Place (Ugly Duckling Presse). Several of his books are collaborations with visual artists, including war, the musical with Dirk Rowntree (Subpress Books) and The Sun Also Also Rises with Nayland Blake (No Press). He teaches writing and poetry at New York University and in the Bard College, Milton Avery School of Graduate Studies.
Nada Gordon is the author of four poetry books: Folly, V. Imp, Are Not Our Lowing Heifers Sleeker than Night-Swollen Mushrooms?, and foriegnn bodie "“ and, with Gary Sullivan, an e-pistolary techno-romantic non-fiction novel, Swoon. She practices poetry as deep entertainment and is a proud member of the Flarf Collective. Visit her blog at
2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $5, FREE for DCAC members