Sunday, January 15, 3:00 p.m.
Katy Bohinc, Brian Fitzpatrick, Shaun Gannon and Meg Ronan
@ DC Arts Center
Please join the In Your Ear Reading Series for a reading hosted by
Doug Lang, and featuring Katy Bohinc, Brian Fitzpatrick, Shaun Gannon,
and Meg Ronan, at 3PM on January 15, 2012.
Katy Bohinc is a Slovenian data analyst and poet. She studied pure mathematics & comparative literature (French, English & Mandarin) at Georgetown University. She edits COYDUP Zine with Megan Ronan, a pamphlet of poetry for Occupy DC.
Brian Fitzpatrick lives in Washington DC. He currently teaches English at George Mason University in Fairfax. His work has most recently appeared in the literary journal Rattle. He tweets jokes under the Twitter handle @Brian_etc and occasionally has a beard.
Shaun Gannon is the co-creator of Let People Poems. Things he wrote are in or will be in Metazen, Everyday Genius, West Wind Review, and Pop Serial. Other things he wrote are on his website, The Timeworn What.
Meg Ronan's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in West Wind Review, SpringGun, Shampoo Poetry, Cricket Online Review, Interim, and other lovely journals. She teaches, sells things, and occupies various spaces in & around the DC metro area.
Katy Bohinc is a Slovenian data analyst and poet. She studied pure mathematics & comparative literature (French, English & Mandarin) at Georgetown University. She edits COYDUP Zine with Megan Ronan, a pamphlet of poetry for Occupy DC.
Brian Fitzpatrick lives in Washington DC. He currently teaches English at George Mason University in Fairfax. His work has most recently appeared in the literary journal Rattle. He tweets jokes under the Twitter handle @Brian_etc and occasionally has a beard.
Shaun Gannon is the co-creator of Let People Poems. Things he wrote are in or will be in Metazen, Everyday Genius, West Wind Review, and Pop Serial. Other things he wrote are on his website, The Timeworn What.
Meg Ronan's poems have appeared or are forthcoming in West Wind Review, SpringGun, Shampoo Poetry, Cricket Online Review, Interim, and other lovely journals. She teaches, sells things, and occupies various spaces in & around the DC metro area.
2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $5, FREE for DCAC members