Valerie Hsiung is the author of three full-length poetry collections: e f g: a trilogy (Action Books, 2016), incantation inarticulate (O Balthazar Press, 2013), and under your face (O Balthazar Press, 2013). Her writing can be found in many places such as American Letters & Commentary, Cosmonauts Avenue, New Delta Review, PEN Poetry Series, Prelude, and VOLT, among elsewhere. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Hsiung is now based out of Brooklyn, New York, and currently serves as an editor for Poor Claudia.
Miriam Eric Suzanne is an author, performer, musician, designer, and web developer — working with OddBird, Teacup Gorilla, and CSS Tricks. She’s the author of Riding SideSaddle* and The Post-Obsolete Book, co-author of Jump Start Sass and 10 Myths on the Proper Application of Beauty Products, and creator of the Susy and True open-source toolkits. She loves intersectional projects, intersectional people, and intersectional resistance.
2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan
(south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street)
All readings are on third Sundays at 3 PM, Admission $5, FREE for DCAC members