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from thisisemo.jonescounty

a relatively low-end
   change of name in vain

honey-comb gang w/space
to conduct any number
of over- and underdeter
mined games made a beeping
little morpheme get seg
regated from its end-user
and that's how the blues
got the value-added blues.


                 {this is for brett
single character management

I covet yr. downward
screw   pastdue over
another country side
then dug a pitkin
full with vaseline, bever
to propagate the dead
they come in pairs. each
one to butcher their
favorite costar & I
'd drink blood to go
down as you got down
down like the u. s. dollar,
lie quiet in consignment
at Weschler's, vulgar auction
house, over by the F.
B. I. This is the today
show for Wednesday,
June 25th, 1997.

             built to last place
           (fifth avenue

kind of thousands
icelandic kicking hurt
crashing w/the dis
posable posse, in
the chest or relative
area. not really real
disposable but like
organs you got to have
capital to replace. more
replaceable then than
disposable, since we a
        we get high on the park
        ing lot. and we piss on it too.

This poem appears in the 2001 Anthology
View all poems by Buck Downs