the desert is my animal
woke up to
a desert mound
with an H
& a small pyramid
on the desert
pancake clouds
2-dimensional hangers
blue hap sky
the been
some mounds red
the logic of it
you cannot know
from future red
you cannot know
what truck
yellow machine
in the sage crop
swarms of black fly
pounds of flies
from sharpest sage
you can
know not
privileges of green
insects having at you
we will all be jackrabbit
with proof
a knowledge of such summer
a ‘mind of’ it
mind & motion similarly dusty
rocky girly weather
over the knee
to the edge
of the bank
of long green
remove your pesos
from my tabla
the sickening sky emblued
all over us
our palms were set stones
we _____ed with them
precious sages
verdy serpentines
more slash & slicker ensovereigned
sere a stealth rabbit slim
crosses hatches across elk and earl
the duke of desert & the ruddy route
pleased piñons empained our
perceivers go that rapine
skater lambly sleeps a pocket
in castlerock shiprock
shapelyrock grew gorgeous with eve
the mounts and mounds attendant
on diamond ease camp ducked
a town of discardies
oil drums not pennies
copper locker
house goes up comes down
a sign for not travelers
playtruck is blue in
the whole thing yard
timing thinking a red one
no bodies evidence of
hard slobber on a grand door
these mover vehicles got here
fresh oil somewhere
rocks red in the distance
smooth the brow of the tamer
town lingers long after water
east granite point smoke lies
had us a cup of it in quick sugars
sister sipping the back of blue
embarcadero plenties have few
measured matter by his bushes
gin spoke in the turner
rood age she will never leave
echo stance in large sentences
no schedule
on the train
three birds
on the other train
fierce puckered mountain
corrugated rain shack
a hard winner
wonders the stone
in his head
wonders she supplements
supplies from the tunnel
more red trucks
stacked cedar woowoo
towns containing no people
some goats
selfish oak
selvage palmetto
horse pleas
a head of two orders
the third was rushes
from that river
when there was water
out the window
an L on a hillside
an H & an L
separated by miles and track rectitude
a perfect capital on the mound
well formed if slightly stubborn
in the sun
on that hillside
cows sunsetter
rescue the plain
from its plenitude
a pan of mountain
easy contraption
in the winter when the clouds cuts
lost thirsty river
hold on
the desert trucks
8 movements eastward
to get to your circle hives
thin trees of pamlico
do you not see
my exmachinery
tag factory
where is your sun
i will not do plenty more
i will wonderfull stand
with glasses
red hides its capital
into the dirt silence
i can neglect red
we never have it
without that speed
waking to finitude
to orange & oranger
i had come down to
houses in the middle off their landstar
orphans are for trains
we are here
out there
north of summer
north of sun
modify this
an ensemble the red of
mixtures are in