the little goddess yelled at the top of her lungs
rising to imitate a young girl
don't even try to make her sit still
live your wildness in the splashing
of loving bouquets of perfume
madhouse of wiggling giggling girl
wiggling bits of skirt
wiggling and teasingly jiggling
hypnotizing woman belly soft and gently rolling
giggling lover whispering mother oozing woman
enjoy this happy song with its fun actions
one two nno nose knows nothing
nose sniff smell smelling sniffing snuffing nostril
three four five six seven face nails feet wiggling
creaks shrieks growls howls
cats bats moans groans
shackles cackles bubbles troubles
kids just do it
9/9/2001 nothing new
9/10/2001 nothing new
9/11/2001 sold out again
masks fall to the floor everywhere
the real me on spotlighted display
no greetings or goodbyes
no wiggling giggling or smiles